We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
We provide resources with a focus on cognitive load in PSHE, RE, Citizenship and Awareness Events. Our resources require no prior planning, preparation or previous subject knowledge.
Citizenship lesson resource which looks at children’s rights, the lesson includes information on the UNCRC before giving pupils the opportunity to use the UNICEF website to research in to some of their current work and prepare a group presentation. The lesson also contains two religious views on rights slide, making this also ideal for use in an RE lesson. Ideal for a UNICEF Rights Respecting School.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required. Pupils require access to the internet and google slides / Microsoft power point. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced PSHE, RE or Citizenship teacher. Lesson meets PSHE guidance.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clips
Starter and plenary task
Optional Religious Views Slide
We also offer this lesson in a tutorial format, please take a look at our TES Shop or why not subscribe to our mailing list on our website to be kept up to date about future resources and offers (GDPR compliant).
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE resources as well as support and guidance, please join our Facebook group here. You can also find more of our free and affordable resources on our TES Shop here or on our website.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
An exit ticket sheet asking one thing that i thought about today but had not considered before -
Ideal for PSHE, Citizenship or Religious Education lessons.
4 tickets per sheet.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a full lesson resource on sewa / seva looking at how Sikhs put this aspect of their faith into action inside and outside of the Langar in the Gurdwara. This lesson can be used as part of our Faith into Action unit or as a stand alone lesson.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson. The lesson has been planned to last for about 60 minutes however it is fully editable. No further planning, printing or preparation is required.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced Religious Education teacher.
Lesson includes -
Teacher guidance slide
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Video clips
Written tasks
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Short, engaging tasks
Challenging extension activities
The other lessons in our unit are -
Jackie Pullinger
Dalai Lama
Food Banks - Trussell Trust
Street Pastors
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This lesson looks at different explanations people might give as to what happens when we die and encourages pupils to consider what makes evidence for life after death reliable or believable. This is a fun, engaging lesson which gets pupils thinking. We also offer a follow up lesson to this looking at religious beliefs in life after death.
Easy to follow power point lesson (no printing or preparation required). Designed to be delivered as a 60 minute lesson but slides and tasks could be removed to edit the length. No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist. Fully editable.
Lesson includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Short, engaging tasks
Optional to remove slides to reduce lesson length
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
These are posters demonstrating the 5 Pillars of Islam, ideal for a classroom display or use within a lesson. We also have a lesson on the 5 Pillars of Islam here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a full lesson resource on rules including information on what makes a good rule and why rules are important, ideal for use as an RE or Citizenship unit of work.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior preparation or printing required). The lesson has been planned to last for about 60 minutes, however like all of our resources, is fully editable so the length could be changed to suit your needs and resources added, removed or changed. No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher.
Lesson includes -
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Short, engaging tasks
Challenge activities
Writing frames provided where needed
This forms part of a unit on religious rules and laws. Please take a look at our other resources.
10 Commandments - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/10-commandments-rules-lesson-12725717
5 Precepts -https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/5-precepts-buddhism-rules-and-laws-re-12740122
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Cults form time tutorial looking at what makes a group or organisation a cult and how cults might be similar or different to major religions.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required) so saving your valuable time. The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minuteform time tutorial but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist.
Tutorial includes-
Clear and accurate information
Optional Rights Respecting Schools Slide
Discussion and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video Clips
Ask an expert slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Lesson on the Christian organisation of the Street Pastors looking at how what they do is an example of putting faith into action. You can find more of our resources on putting faith into action here.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 60 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You may wish to print the website information if your pupils do not have access to electronic resources.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher.
Lesson includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clips
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all of our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a missing word exercise on the festival of Eid ul Adha.
Please see our Tes Shop for a full Eid ul Adha lesson resource suitable for subject experts and delivery by non-specialists. We also offer bespoke resource design to meet individual school or class needs.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A writing frame for pupils to record each of the 4 sights witnessed by Siddhartha Gautama upon leaving his palace and express their opinions on how they would have made him feel.
For a full lesson resource on this topic area please see our TES shop.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This RE lesson introduces pupils to some key religious terms and ideas which will help in their journey studying Religious Education. It is an ideal first term lesson for a year 7 pupil or a year 6 pupil to complete before going to Secondary School.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson. The lesson has been planned to last for about 60 minutes however like all of our resources, it is fully editable. No further planning, printing or preparation is required.
No previous knowledge in this subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced Religious Education teacher.
Ideal for KS3
Lesson includes -
Teacher guidance slide
Starter and plenary task to demonstrate learning and progression
Clear and accurate information
Video clips
Written tasks
Discussion tasks and feedback slides
Short, engaging tasks
Challenging extension activities
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is a template of a postcard written from Jesus to his disciples. Ideal for any Jesus lesson but particularly those on ascension and the Pentecost.
Please see here or our website for a full ascension / Pentecost lesson suitable for subject experts and delivery by non-specialists.
We also offer bespoke resource design to meet individual school or class needs.
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
This is an assessment and mark scheme which allows pupils to demonstrate an understanding of how a variety of topics within the study of Islam demonstrate submission. The assessment aims to allow pupils the opportunity to develop essential skills for the AQA GCSE course.
You can find the unit of work this assessment is designed to support here
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Free resource, this is a decorative template for pupils to use for a task where they write a letter to the UN. Resource also includes a writing frame for pupils asking the UN to make a change.
This free resources is part of our full Malala Yousafzai lesson (here)
Youcantknoweverything education
Services Include -
Pre planned lessons and units of work covering topics within the subject areas of RE, PSHE & Citizenship.
Bespoke lesson and course planning to meet your unique home or class requirements.
Display and artistic resources to show off your learning space.
Teacher coaching to help you progress in your career and thrive in your home life.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
A colourful template to use when getting pupils to think of their own mantra. Mantra’s have roots within Buddhism and Hinduism but have also recently been used for wellbeing and positive thinking purposes to focus people on positive thoughts about themselves.
A design template for Christmas Jumper Day. Ideal for a competition or display. You might also wish to take a look at our advent resources here.
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Form Time / Assembly, RE resource which looks at the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur looking at the idea of forgiveness, the story behind the festival and why Jews might fast.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial / assembly (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Discussion and feedback tasks
Video clip
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources for only £29.99 please take a look at our website for more information and see our TES Shop for all of the current resources you will receive as well as all future resources produced in the next year. No automatic renewal.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Eid Ul Fitr / Id ul fitr Islamic celebration form time / tutor time or assembly resource covering how and Eid it is celebrated as well as exploring the payment of Zakat. There is a teacher guidance slide which gives some general information for teachers to consider and be aware of during this time. Tasks could be set as discussion or consider tasks.
You may also be interested in our resources on -
Autism Awareness here
Stress Awareness here
Ramadan here
Youcantknoweverything Education also offer a complete package which gives you access to all of our current and future resources here.
This is an easy to follow power point tutorial (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You may need to make edits for use as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher and contains pronunciation information of possibly unfamiliar terms.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Video clips
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Teacher Guidance Slide
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
Leave us a positive review and get your next resource for free. Just email us with the details.
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Holi Tutor time / Assembly resource which looks at the Hindu festival. It considers how and why Hindus take part in the Holi festival and some of the stories behind Holi. Tasks could be set as discussion or consider tasks.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. The resource may require some editing for use as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced RE teacher.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Clear and accurate information
Video clip
Discussion / Consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Assembly and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop here for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education
Chinese (Lunar) New Year, designed for 2025 form time tutorial / assembly resource. The lesson looks at a story behind Chinese (Lunar) New Year, how it is celebrated and the symbolism within the celebration. We also offer a Lunar New Year resource in a full lesson format here and you may also be interested in our FREE resource on holocaust memorial day which is available on our website or TES Shop.
This is an easy to follow power point lesson (no prior planning, printing or preparation required). The resource is designed to be delivered as one 20-25 minute session but all of our resources are fully editable and designed to allow sections to be added, removed or changed should you need to do so. You may need to make alterations if delivering as an assembly.
No previous knowledge in the subject area is needed, the lesson is easily deliverable by someone who is not a subject specialist or an experienced teacher.
Tutorial / Assembly includes-
Teacher guidance slide
Clear and accurate information
Discuss / consider and feedback tasks
Starter and plenary task
Video clip
In response to current educational research on cognitive load, our lessons contain minimal unnecessary text or imagery in order to enhance memory of key information
For FREE tutorial resources as well as support and guidance on making the most out of form / tutorial time sessions please join our new community Facebook group here. You can also receive our latest news, support and offers by joining our GDPR compliant mailing list on our website. All new subscribers will receive a free premium resource.
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to be the first to know about our latest free and premium RE, PSHE, Citizenship, Careers, Assembly, Behaviour and Awareness Day resources.
We are currently offering a complete package / yearly subscription which gives you access to all our resources from only £29.99 please take a look at our website or TES Shop for more information.
Leave us a positive review and get 10% off our subscription price or a free resource!
If for any reason you are unhappy or have technical problems with this resource please email youcantknoweverything@gmail.com and we will do our best to resolve any problems for you.
Youcantknoweverything Education